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Dear all.
I’m so excited that I can share this highly recommended
short movie in English with you all!
To some of you, I already introduced this a while ago, but
I regretted so much that I cannot share this in English
with international people.
But now here it is!
I will try to keep my message short to express my
excitement, but whenever I see this movie, (I cannot count
how many times I aleady saw!) I always, always feel
something hot, which makes my eyes moist with tears. It is
very rare for me since I’m strictly trained not to show my
emotion at work, and therefore I rarely drop tears by
emotion in my private life either.
Through my experiences working at ER, I can painfully
guess how desperate and awful the situation was with the
accident although I can never say I can understand. And
through my current working experiences seeing dying
patients at thier end stages, I overlap my conception of
death and life with his great recovery with family’s love
and support and strong will of his mission. I’m sure he
still has some level of residual complications, but he
never complains of that.
I’m given really a lot of various lessons and thought
whenever I see this. And I strongly feel that “the world
peace” for which I’m currently struggling for what I
actually can do as an individual founds on this human’s
love and connection.
I recently think that every single person born on this
earth has something to do in thier life, so-called
mission. Every single person has the meaning to live, has
something to learn in this life. And the true world peace
in a big scale will be composed of every single person’s
self actualization under thier conditions. Although this
world is full of inequiality I feel, there is the meaning
that we chose or are given this environment. There should
be the reason that I was born in Japan, was given Japanese
citienship by birth, was born in this particular family,
was given my characters and talents, was given the chances
to meet a lot of differnt people. Then, how can we make
use of ourselves fully in this life to contribute to this
Now, my thought is becoming philosophical. So I’ll stop
But quoting Mr. Koshizuka’s words (the producer of this
movie), I would like to declare to the God when I die “I
made use of my body 120%. Thank you!”
To find out what I really can do, not just by thought, I
go out to see my patients today too as usual.
Thank you for bearing with my usual long email.
Please let me know your impression when you have a chance
to watch.
Have a great weekend!
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